Our Story

Too often we fall victim to the grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome; we focus on what’s great about other people’s hair and other people’s bodies, completely ignoring our inherent awesomeness. When I first started growing my beard, I told myself—and everyone around me—that growing it was a matter of personal and social responsibility. It gave me a chance to be myself (everyone else was taken anyway) and be part of a rich Arabian tradition. Plus, since I had the genes to grow a full beard, it felt like my duty to grow one. But everyone warned me that I should be careful, especially when traveling; the world wasn't a friendly place for Arabs with beards. But I was into it, and my wife Samya was into it, and if she was into it and I was into it, then the world would have to deal with me and my beard.
This was how I really got into the hobby of growing my beard. Soon I heard about beard oil and quickly became hooked. After a while though, I realized that the beard oil I was buying was from Australia, or America, or Europe; there wasn't an Arabian beard care company. I figured there should at least be one, I mean come on, Arabs are some of the hairiest people around, and we have years of old-school understanding about what works for great hair. So I started experimenting with oils. That's when I met Layal Ismail, a chemical engineer and super beard fan, and we went about developing an Arabian beard oil.
Next we needed a name, something that would speak to the dual flavors of our concept. One day, someone commented on a picture of me and Samya, asking what I was doing with myself, growing my beard so haphazardly. She responded with "Why? I'm digging it!” And just like that, the name had found us! Diggn means “beard” in Arabic—Diggin’ means “crazy about” in English. We looked at each other and knew our idea had become a reality, and Diggn’It was born.
Our Company
Diggn’It is the Arabian beard care and men’s grooming company with a mission to change the way the world sees the Arabian beard. Negative stereotypes of men with beards abound in both Arabian and international circles. We aim to change that by creating a community of men who are proud of their beards, believe that natural is better, and want to use products inspired by generations of Arabian barbering and hair care traditions. We create quality Arabian products for men everywhere.